
UNBANKABLE is an investigative documentary that embarks on a seven-year, seven-country journey that seeks to unravel whether Africa’s rich tapestry of tradition, innovation and experimentation holds the key to Western economic revitalization.

Written and produced by Luke Willms in his directorial debut, the film draws inspiration from his father’s groundbreaking development research in Africa during the height of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. With a methodology rooted in listening, Luke’s cinematic investigation challenges the prevailing narrative that the West is the sole solution provider, leveraging his blend of African upbringing and Western exposure to shape a unique perspective.

Set against the backdrop of escalating global economic challenges, UNBANKABLE invites audiences on a profound exploration centered on one burning question: 'Can Africa Save The West?'

Exploring deep into realms of social collateral, mobile-money, digital lending, financial technologies, and experiments involving bitcoin, the documentary disrupts conventional narratives of progress. Supported by in-depth character follow-ups spanning years, it offers a nuanced understanding of the evolving economic landscape, amplifying voices and perspectives from the economic margins in the Global South.

“Unbankable” attempts to showcase a new Africa, where economic, cultural, and technological forces converge to forge a path of innovation. Unexpectedly, it arrives at a quiet revolution poised to redefine our profit-driven world, prompting audiences to contemplate the untapped potential of Africa’s resilience in reshaping the future of global finance and societal growth.